The first show reel I looked at linked here, is quite short and abstract. Its abstract in the way that the videos are all put together in what seems to be a random order but all the clips link to one another. Another thing that is nice about this show reel is the music, its simple but interesting and the audience can tell the clips have been edited to the beat. Additionally when there’s a lull in the music there is also a lull in the footage which pairs nicely. Furthermore the video is around 40 seconds long, I feel that this is a good length because is long enough to fascinate the audience but not too long that the audience get bored.

The second one I looked at was about nature, only really showing people in the background, and I believe this was effective as it meant the colouring of the nature really came though to the audience for example the colours of the leaves . The length of this show reel is around 1 minute and 30 seconds but the length works for this show reel as the editing again is quite fast paced so it shows the audience lots of different pieces of footage.

This one I looked at was quite different from the others as its showing the audience the cinematographers 2016. This shows the audience the events from 2016 but starts of with people first which leaves the audience wondering if that’s abstract or if the people being shown are important to the cinematographer, if theirs a reason they are in the show reel. The video itself last close to 2 minutes. The title of the video leaves the audience wondering if this video is a timelapse style show reel of a year in the cinematographers shoes for example theres some parts of the video where its set at an event or filming project but another aspect looks to be shot at a house with one particular woman. I believe this video is good because it leaves the audience with questions about the video.


This is my video show reel. 


I chose to create my show reel as seen above because of my interest in the first show reel analysed. This led me to have around the same length, in my case being around a minute as I felt this was long enough to show the footage that I wanted to show but additionally mean’t that the audience wouldn’t lose interest. I do believe that I could have added more bits of footage in to show, for example there were a few more projects that I had filmed that could have been showed. The reason I hadnt added those pieces in was because when evaluating them respectively beforehand there were things I felt could have been improved. Although believing this, I could have still added in the footage because another person may have liked those pieces of footage and felt that it showed more of a variety of styles.

Another thing I could have done to improve the video reel is to change the footage of the beach from black and white to really show the audience the vibrancy of the colours captured, to show the sun bouncing off the camera.

I felt one thing I wanted from the video reel is for it to be light, flowy and fun, I wanted to acheive this by again reinforcing the length of the video and making it short. Furthermore I wanted to acheive this by making the music upbeat and light-hearted. This again is emphasised at the end with a few clips put together of me smiling with a thumbs up. Additionally this clues the audience in to the creator of the video reel.

In summary I believe I could have added a few more pieces of footage in to show the different types of filming I have done. Although I do believe that creating the video reel to suit the style that I wanted went well as I created what I set out to achieve.

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